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bearded dragon spots

22 13:57:11


eggos spots
hello i have a bearded dragon he is about 3 1/2 to 4 months i recently noticd that was gettin dark spots on the top of his head by the eyes and a couple more goin down towards his back and also one appearing on his arm and side. im concerned because the people in the petshop do not know what it can be and it seems is if its growing. do yo have any clue to what it can be??

Hello Steven,

The picture is just slightly blurry, but I can get the main idea.  Though I am thinking it is a possibility of a fungal issue, but that is why I need a full body picture.
What is the humidity in his tank?  
He appears to be dehydrated.  Those areas on top of his head need to be elevated & in the picture they appear to be sunken in.  Is that correct, am I seeing it properly?
If so, then he needs more fluids & is low on his fat reserves.
Can you post a few more pictures of him, so I can assess his overall physical appearance?
How much does he weigh?  
How long has he had these blackened areas?  
Please post full body shots of him as soon as possible for me, because if it is fungal related we need to get on to treating him!
Has he been on any medications?
