Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > I want a snake that will grow to 3.5ft at most.

I want a snake that will grow to 3.5ft at most.

22 14:23:22

I am looking into a pet snake. I have plenty of saved up spending money and want a reasonably sized snake. I would like a snake that will live 5-9 years. My parents and I do not want to commit to a snake that will live decades. What type should I get and what gender?

Robert, based on your citeria I'd recommend a garter snake.  Not the easiet to find, and a little harder to keep, but they match your needs exactly.  Next choice would be a corn snake, but they get a little bigger and live longer.  Gender doesn't matter with either choice.  Ball pythons might work but only if you get a male (they stay smaller) and it might live longer than 10 years (it should anyway).  Hope this helps, BPC