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Feeding schedules

22 11:48:50

I was interested in a few different species of lizard and am just having some issues trying to find out what their feeding schedules are (basically how often they need live crickets, and if/how often they need other food such as pellets or something else).
The species I was looking at were curly tailed lizards (Haitian?), leopard geckos, and curly tailed lizards.

Hi Chris,
Leopard geckos eat nothing but live insects..crickets, super worms, wax worms, meal worms and other insects...on rare occasion they will lick at some fruits but that isn't part of their diet.  Young leos are fed once or twice daily.  Adults MAY only eat every other day but most eat daily.
Curly tailed lizards eat the same insects as the leos but  also eat baby food fruits, Small pieces of romaine, endive, escarole, etc.   Their main diet is insects and fruits.. Each lizard is different as to how often they want to eat..if they are leaving food daily, then feed less each day.  If they still aren't eating much, offer food every other day.  Of course all other care much be correct..temperatures, basking areas, hide areas, etc for them to eat properly.
Offering BOTH species a varied diet in the "insect dept" is necessary.