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land hermit crabs

22 15:08:06

i have a large land hermit crab and recently he had changed his shell. my problem is he can't seem to make up his mind! he keeps changing from the new shell to his old shell what is going on?

Dear Andrea,
thank you for your question.
That's normal, some crabs just like to change shells. Maybe he will change back into his old shell and stay there or maybe he will decide that the new one is better after all. You can rinse the shells with water to make sure that there is nothing in them that irritates him, but I don't think that this is the reason. It's just something they like to do.

Do you have only one crab? They are very social and need a friend or better a whole bunch of friends. Take a look at this website, it has tons of information:
Christa, who owns also has a crab forum that I can only recommend. The people there are very friendly and very, very knowledgeable

I hope I was of some help