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diurnal anole/ emerald swift and nocturnal marbled/ golden gecko

22 14:18:05

hi,and thanks this is great to have people out there who can help with care of these great pets. my question is this, my 2 year old son loves watching his lizards, huge tank, and i have a few lizards in there. all conditions are perfect, all day and nite lights on timers, humidifier tubed into terrarium also on a timer. waterfall, plants, (i've gambled against advice and used SOME live plants, pothos as well as real bamboo). and so far so good, BUT my question is this. my small anoles are so active, as well as the emerald swift, both diurnal lizards. the golden and marbled gecko being nocturnal are the coolest looking and never active during day. i know this sounds odd, but is there any way of altering their biological clocks/systems to turn them into diurnals?

 I have found that with lizards it's always best to go natural. A lot is not only lights and temperatures, but the Earth's own Circadian rhythms.  Ten years ago, agamids would start brumating (hibernating) in mid autumn, but with certain earth changes the past several years, some started even in hot and sunny August!  So you could attempt switching light and temps to night, but chances are, you won't fool them.