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Large lump underneath Iguanas leg

22 13:35:01

Our beloved 15 year old Iguana has developed a large (about the size of a fifty cent piece) lump underneath his upper right thigh near his tail that feels hard.  He climbs as he always has, eats well and seems to act as he always has but this really has us concerned as he is very loved.  Our previous vet is no longer there and we didn't want to take him outside when the weather was so cold as it was this winter.  Can you advise us as to what this possibly could be?  We added a calcium supplement to his vitamins about 6 months ago because what we had previously purchased said that you needed to add the calcium supplement along with it and the girl at the pet store did not tell us this until I read the container myself this time when I was purchasing it this time.  This is the only thing that we have done differently.  Please give us some insight as to what this could possibly be.  THANK YOU.

Huh?  It sounds like a deposit of some type which I don't think is related to a dietary change as this would usually present itself in other ways usually a whole body reaction for lack of a better term.  Did he cut himself somehow and maybe you didn't catch it?  Due to the placement and the little I know of anatomy it doesn't seem like a a swollen gland at all.  It could be an abscess of some type but I think these usually occur near glands.  I also looked into my reptile parasite book and found nothing that would lead me to believe it was parasites at all.  In all honesty not being a vet myself.  I would say call around and find another vet and then take him just to be sure.

Sorry I couldn't be more help.  Please let me know what you find.

John F Taylor