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Cuban Anole Question

22 13:29:29

QUESTION: Hello, I realize this is quite a unique question, but I'm looking for a Cuban Anole for purchase.  I've had one for 8 years until he passed away.  He was my best friend, and I loved him very much.  The place where I got him only had the one, and has since burned to ground, I've tried all pet shops in my area including chain stores.  Do you have any advice on where I can aquire another Cuban Anole? Any help will be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.

ANSWER: Hi Kristina,
I love the Cuban Anoles!!  I would love to own one at some point. They seem to be a very inquisitive lizard  that has a personality.
I've read that they have been introduced into the Florida wild and other parts of the US.
Also, not knowing where you are located, this link may be helpful to you.  It lists pet expos coming up. You may want to do a search on REPTILE SHOWS and find one that may be in your area.
Although I am not a fan of pet stores,I know that PetCo can and will order in reptiles for people. You may want to do a google search on breeders as they will ship reptiles. Again, not knowing where you are located, I can't offer any specific place.

I do want to mention that the Cubans do need a special UVB producing light source so as to prevent metabolic bone disease. If you need more info on that, please ask!!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for answering, I forgot to mention I live in Sacramento, CA.  I'm so glad you are aware of the Cuban Anoles-very few people I've spoken with even know about them.  I would love to be in contact with a breeder so I will be taking your advice and see if I can google one.  (Fingers crossed)
Unfortunately, we just had a reptile show here, but it never had any Cuban Anoles in all the years it has been held.  So my search goes on, thank you so much for the valuable advice-I'm confident it will help me find my new family member. :-)
And yes, they DO have such personalities!!  Mine used to climb down to a lower spot on his tree and actually watch the Sacramento Kings Basketball games.  Even if we weren't going to be in the room, we'd put the game on the t.v in the room he was in and like clock work -he'd climb right down and watch the game.  If you're thinking of owning one, I say go for it!  They certainly are entertaining, and with their unique "look", it's like staring at prehistoric life in today's world.  
Again, thank you for all of your advice. I will surely follow it.


the link below is a search on CA breeders..ignore the miles it pulled up the miles from somewhere between there and am on the East coast.,Un

It really is their look that drew me to the species and how they study anyone looking at them.
You may benefit from doing a search on "Cuban Knight Anole" or "Knight Anole"
You confirmed my thoughts on personality, thats for sure. Maybe one day I will be able to have one..right now, 3 adult iguanas, a leopard gecko, a ball ppython, a salamander and 3 dogs are all I can handle!!