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Gecko lump

22 14:02:56

It wouldn't let me ask another follow up so i started a new question.Anyways when she fell she landed on top of the plastic container so i think she might of but im not positive.Yes they are dried mealworms and i had to put her outside so her shedding humidity would increase but i decided to leave her out there cause the temp. is 90 most of the time which is normal.Is there something wrong with dead dried mealworms though?

Hello Liv,

Ok, the dried mealies are ok, if she is eating them.  No, the dried mealies should be disease free, they are properly prepared.  I was referring to letting her eat dead or diseased ones out of the mealworm bin.  That usually is not very healthy.
Have you tried phoenix worms for her as well?
Well, she could have hurt herself then if you think she may have landed on her chin/neck area.  If it does not go down pretty soon I would get it checked out in case it is a hematoma from an injury or something.
So she has a warm side of around 90, that is good.  Is the other end of her tank cooler though so she wont overheat?
