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Closed Eye

22 14:42:43

Hi Tina,I have two yellow bellied turltes in a heated tank. They are only a couple of weeks old. Last night the lively ones eye was shut and he keeps scratching at it to open it. He managed to open it once, it is as if its not swollen but he can't get the eye lid open? Do I need to take him to the vet or can I get something for the water?

Ailise,                                                      Sorry it took so long to answer you. It is probably a bacterial infection. Your heat shouldn't be over 74 degrees. He needs antibiotic... Jungle just came out with reptile and amphibian antibiotic. I don't know if it is in your local petshop yet. Yes take him to a vet.You can't medicate the water with you baby. Call your vet.... you don't eant this to spread. Good Luck,Tina