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Moving my reptiles about 30 miles away to our new house......

22 13:25:33

Hi - I have 2 bearded dragons and a leopard gecko and we are moving to our new house next week.  My question is, can I transport them separately in those standard cardboard "pet" boxes you get from Petsmart or Petco ?  We are only moving about 30 miles away but I don't want them to be stressed during the trip.  A friend of mine told me not to transport them in their tanks because of the stress factor.  The daytime temps here in NC are about 75 to 80 right now so I know that I won't need any extra heat for them just a towel in the container.  Any advice and tips you can give me will be appreciated. Thank you.....

Honestly, I would transport them in a cardboard box etc. Reason being is that the trip is short and the temps are OK and I would be concerned about decor sliding or possibly falling onto the reptiles and removing the decor would leave them feeling exposed where as a dark box would be less stressful. Hope that helps.