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Water dragon arm waving, ect

22 14:27:29

I've had my water dragon for about 5 months now but he is actually 9 months old and he has just started to wave his arm, bobbing his head, and running around the cage... My cage is about 4 feet long and 3 feet high and my dragon is about 10 inches long and there are no other reptiles in the cage with him. So i don't think it has anything to do with the size of the cage, but i just moved stuff around and got a bigger water bowl. I don't know if thats why he doing this but I'm just not sure. If you could answer my question why he is doing this that would be great!!

Hi Corey, arm waving can be normal behavior, along with head bobbing. He feels threatened or is trying to appear threatening to something or some one.

Is he in a glass or acrylic cage? Can he see his reflection? He may see his reflection and is being territorial about it.

He may be territorial of the view of another animal in the home, the TV, or even people.

Let me know if any of those things might be the problem and we can discuss how to fix it.

Good luck