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My gecko lost its eyes!

22 13:27:25

I have a leopard gecko who wont open her eyes and i am not sure if they fell out. i hand feed her because she cant find her food, is there anything i can do? we got her for free from someone who could no longer take care of her and her sister so we dont know her age, she is in a good sized tank for her size, and she has a day and night bulb. im not sure what happend!
Please help!,

Hello Felecity,

Do you have any pictures of your gecko for me today?
What is your tank setup like?
Do you have an undertank heater being used 24/7 in combination with the day basking bulb?  She will need a warm or basking temperature on one end of around 88-90 with a cooler end of around 78-80 or so.
Did she possibly retain any shed on her eyes that would have caused this?
