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my baby is sick

22 14:47:43

I have a 7 month old baby bearded dragon and she is not moving, much she hardly eating, she not pooping, she not drinking much, and I think shes dyeing but I want her to live I don't know what to do?!?!?! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!

P.S. I don't know if it is from starvation because I thought it was like a leopard gecko and feed her once a week so if it is what can I do?!?!?!?!or is it to late

A young dragon needs feeding twice a day of all the crickets it wants and a big morning salad.  She probably is dehydrated too.  Give her a lukewarm (very tepid) bath and se if she laps a little water.  Get baby food butternut squash and babyfood plain chicken (no gravy) mix up a teaspoon of each and put a tiny dab on her snout and see if she laps that.  If her kidneys have not shut down from starvation you may have a chance.  Get her to a good reptile vet first thing in the morning.