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Drop tail lizards

22 11:53:57

My name is Coco and i found a fat drop tail lizard on my deck.
I think its a boy, he had already dropped his tail when i found him.
Could i keep him, i put a dead baby fly and some apple chopped up in his massive container i got.
First i layed big green leaves across the bottom then soil,plants,rocks,pebbles and thats it, should i add anything else?
He has a red pupil and he crawls up my arm but very slowly.
How long will it take for him to get used to me?
What else should i put in for him to eat?

Coco,    I have to tell you that wild caught reptiles are illegal even in your country. They need to have a license like you would get from the pet shop to keep track of especially imported reptiles. That said, we have all caught things in our yards for me it was turtles and kept them as pets with the same laws. I think what you have is a skink but since you say it moves on you so slow if you could, could you send me a picture of it. Skinks are known to be very fast. They run all around my mom's yard and I still try to catch them and haven't They are small though. I want to make sure you have the correct habitat for it. I need to see it. Skinks keep a little cooler habitat and diets are abit different. One thing you can definitely feed for now is crickets from the pet shop or wax worms, meal worms. Depending on size either small or large crickets. I can tell you how to sex it and if it needs veggies and fruit if I can identify him or her. Also you have your flies. Waiting for pic...., Tina