Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > dosing a leopard gecko

dosing a leopard gecko

22 14:01:49

QUESTION: my leo has had very runny stool lately, and is not eating. i went to the vet but he didn't find anything, but the stool was old because she didn't defecate for a while.He gave me calcium liquid and told me to give it to her twice a day. i know panacur is a safe dewormer and i was wondering if i could give her the dosage myself. when we were at the vet she weighed 20 grams. i have a small syringe to give her medicine orally. we went to the vet about a week ago and she doesn't look like she lost a lot of weight. I recently moved to texas, a 14 hour drive, and she is back in her cage. thanks for the help, and tell me if i absolutely need to go to a vet instead of doing it myself. thanks

ANSWER: Hello Kiran,

Panacur is safe to dose yourself.  At 20 grams, she will need .01ml once a week, for 2, maybe 3 treatments of 7 days in between each dosage.
Do you have tiny syringe to give that?  The dosage is 50mg/kg & she does not weigh very much.  So she doesn't need much.  :-))

Is she eating anything right now?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks, ill do that. i live in the austin area right now and am not sure where to get the panacur. is it available in a petco or petsmart? do i have to have a presciption or it it over the counter. Also, do i water down the paste or just give it to her on her nose. thank you SO much

Hello Kiran,

Great, how is she doing today?  
I am sorry!  I should have given you the website to buy the Panacur from, unless there is a feed store or feed supply around that carries it.
The paste is just given straight.  You will also need to get the tiny syringes from the site too since the amount is SO small.  
