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leopord gecko

22 14:00:40

my sons lizard dose not look good he has had both eyes closed for about a week and has bin shedding for about five days now he is not moving around the tank as much as normal and losing weight were do i take him to get looked at also has like little blister on each side of mouth

Hello Chris,

What type of setup do you have?  Are you using an undertank heater along with a low wattage basking light on one end?
What do his stools look like, are they runny & smelly?  
Can you post a picture of him?
Do you keep crickets in the tank overnight with him?  
He should shed all in one evening, so, he is obviously having shedding issues.  Do you have a moist humid hide for him that is on top of his undertank heater?  If he doesn't have any humidity he will have a very difficult shed.  
You should try to soak him in some water to help get that skin off.  Otherwise, he is going to get infection on his skin.
Let me know how he is doing.  If he will not eat, you will need to get some babyfood to drip onto his nose as well, to get some food into him.  Don't forget to mix some calcium in with it also.
