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Monitor wont eat...

22 11:50:15

I have a baby monitor.  I am not sure exactly how old he/she is.  It is whatever type lives in the Marianas, Guam specifically.  I have had it several months and it was eating okay.  It would take a little ground beef almost daily, and occasionally canned cat food, tuna fish or hard boiled egg yolk.  It has always refused to eat raw fish or chicken.  It is currently about 7 inches nose to hip bone with a 9 inch tail.  It is currently in a 20 gallon aquarium with a water source big enough to get her whole body into on one end and an electric lizard rock on the other end.  When it was doing well it liked the warm end, now it prefers the cool end. It doesn't object to handling and has never been agressive.  Off its feed two weeks already.  I am really worried.  I have lots of pets care experience, including the more common exotics, but this is my first monitor...

Debra, according the measurements you gave that enclosure is very small for that monitor. Also the use of the hot rock is incorrect. I would recommend reading these articles which will answer heating and possible reasons for not eating as well. I have no specific articles on the monitor you're keeping but I have resources which might help. After reading those pieces get back with me and let me know if it's still not eating.