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fire-bellied toad MIA

22 14:53:01

Sorry this is an amphibian question but I couldn't find the correct section. Anyway, My fire bellied toad is missing. It's impossible for the lid of the tank to stay open and I would have noticed it if it jumped out when I was feeding him. So the only possible solution is that my other fire-bellied toad ate him! Can this happen? I'm thinking he died and then the other toad ate its carcass OR it just randomly attacked him and ate him! Tell me if this is plausible. Thank you.

Helo, if the missing toad was much smaller then all the others yes its very possible if he was the smae size its not quite right....check under and aroud filters/rocks/plants anything in the cage for him if he died chances are he sunk in the water somewhere if you had  large water area some toads are unfortunite and can get stuck to filter intakes.