Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > my beardie wont lay her eggs

my beardie wont lay her eggs

22 11:51:45

my beardie just layed her first batch of unfertile eggs like 13 of them didnt even no she was prego and now she still looks as if she has bout 10 to 12 maybe even more in her belly and she cant get them out she paceing slowly looking sad grabbing her dish bowl trying to stretch in pain this the first time she ever had eggs what do i do i dont wana lose her

Hello Moises,

Most times they have infertile eggs, you wont realize it.  
Did she just lay her first 13 today?  
How old is she?
If she still has eggs left to lay, you could try soaking her in some warm water to see if that helps with her muscles.  Maybe try giving an extra dose of calcium as well, via syringe.  
A lot of times the warm baths help quite a bit.

Let me know how she is doing.