Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > my beardie is sick

my beardie is sick

22 14:01:31

my bearded dragon has a little red pocket thing right by where she gos to the bathroom??? what is it she hasnt moved and wont eat its like a red bubble right over the hole..what do i do???????????????????????????????????????

Hello Krista,

Your female beardie has a prolapse.  How old is she?  Has she ever laid any eggs?
What you need to do now, before getting her to a vet is to do some soaking of her in a bath.
Get a couple of tablespoons of sugar & dissolve it in some warm water.  Then add some cool water & soak her in that for around 20 minutes.  The sugar helps with the swelling of the tissues.  If you have any KY jelly or vaseline, you will need to keep the area moist so it doesn't dry out & become necrotic.
Then you need to get her to a vet as soon as possible.
What type of UVB are you using, a flourescent tube bulb, or a compact/coil light?  How old is the UVB light?  
What type of basking light do you use, a bright white light or a colored light?
What are the temperatures in the tank?  
Do you use calcium supplementation?
Let me know how she is doing.
