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Leopard Geckos thinning tail

22 13:59:33

Hi Thea-

From another expert on this website, I learned that my son's leopard gecko's thinning tail is due to a lack of fat.  She seems to be getting sicker.  What can I do to help her?  


Paige Brewer

Hi Paige, Yes, the tail is a primary fat storage area for leopard geckos. Unfortunately weight loss is not a symptom that is specific to any one condition. If could be intestinal parasites (even captive bred reptiles can have these), a bacterial infection or intestinal impaction from sand or a similar loose substrate. Inadequate temperature in the enclosure (the warm end should be in the 85 - 90 F range) will also affect the metabolism and ability to digest food effectively.
If her condtion is getting progressively worse then a vet is really your best option. Take along a stool sample if you can. In the meanwhile there is some supportive care that you can offer to keep her hydration and nutrition levels up. Give her a daily soak in a half inch of tepid water which should encourage her to drink and may trigger a bowel movmement. Thin animals are often dehydrated as well. You can also dab a bit of chicken based baby food on her snout (they usually will lick it off) to help keep her nutrition and strength up. If she is still eating on her own then you might offer her some waxworms which are a calorie dense, soft bodied moth larva. Most stores that sell crickets will also carry these.