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My Collared Lizards

22 14:23:27

Hello Sandra,
I just noticed that my lizards are getting some white stuff on there noses, is that usual or not? I really don't want them to get sick so I don't know whether they are okay and this is normal or if is because they are sick. It is not really like, blobs of white in there noses, it is just around the nose. I just got the Calcium stuff to dust their crickets (a white powder) could that possibly be it? Please help,
Thanks  - Sean

Hi Sean
It could be either dead skin form a recent shed that did not come off or the calcium powder

Take a Q-tip or a cotton ball and moisten it with water and see if it comes off his nose easily
If it does-it is most likely the calcium powder

If it is dead skin then you can very gently try to rub it off with a Q-tip

You can also leave a small dish/bottle cap of pure calcium in the tank all of the time for them to lick from

Hope that all is well with them and that it is just the calcium powder

Sandy aka LadyGecko