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my turtle manson

22 14:41:48

I have a red ear slider that is about 4 years old. He has been very healthy and growing well. Yesterday i noticed something in his water. I took a closer look and seen that it was swimming. His whole tank is filled fith tiny worm looking things. Do you know what they are? What do you suggest? Can the parasite be harm to humans? Thank you for you time.  ~Ashley

Ashley,                                                      I would treat his tank with fluke tabs. They sound like fluke (or flat worms). Clean your tank thoroughly and everything in it with a mild bleach solution. 30% bleach to water. Rinse it well. Let it dry out for about 5 or 6 hours. Put it back and add a dechlorinator to the water. Take some fecal matter to the vet to make sure he is not full of internal parasites. Good Luck, Tina