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Curly Tail Lizard

22 13:55:42

I have a wild Curly Tail Lizard who has lived on our patio for some time now in SE Fla. I noticed him sitting in one spot about a week ago and appeared to be holding his head to the side as if he suffered a cervical injury or stroke. Its left eye opens and appears clear, its right eye appears week. He has since been fairly stationary and has not eaten or taken in fluids. His movement if any is only a spin / roll, without any forward purposeful movement. It is mainly very lethargic and remains in one spot. Do they go into hybernation at all? It does not appear to be losing that much body mass even though it is in the condition described above. Thanks in advance for any assistance.

 He could have been attacked by another animal and suffered a neurological injury.  Time will tell what nature will do.  Curly tail lizards are tropical species, so they do not brumate or hibernate.  When a lizard actually shows symptoms they are in a bad way.  Either nature will allow him to recover, or he may succumb to his injuries.