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Can I mix species of Repiles/amphibians

22 14:41:37

Hi! I was wondering if there are any species of reptile that you can mix with other species of reptiles/amphibians in the same enclosure. I would use a large 50 gallon terrarium. I would consider using a half water, half land setup if required. obviously they would have to have similar care requirements.

Hi Dylan, There are some combinations that co-habitate quite well in community tanks. I tend to combine only 2 species at a time and would suggest no more then 3, don't overcrowd which can lead to stress. I favour using species that share a natural native range like green anoles and green tree frogs. It reduces the potential interaction between species if you combine diurnal and nocturnal or terrestrial and arboreal. If you have animals trying to occupy the same space at the same time it leads to stress and potential injury, even just from crawling over each other and competing for food at the same time.As you mentioned the environment should suit both species very well, neither one should be compromised. Sizes obviously have to be well matched, nobody can come close to fitting in anyone elses mouth! Species that are aggressive feeders must be avoided.  As a general rule, geckos and frogs do well together. I would never try combining snakes with anything else and chameleons are also rather poor candidates for most community tanks.