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Albino Lepoard Gecko adult

22 14:14:11

I have a wonderful leopard gecko who is aprox 4 1/2 years old. She was constipated and being not to smart didn't figure it out for a few weeks. I soaked her in a few warm baths and changed her sand to reptile carpet. She did pass two times in one day then two days later she passed a very little stool. She has been coming out of her cave quite a lot lately and drinking a lot of water. I have never seen her drink water in the 2+ years I have had her. She has not passed now in two days. Is this normal and should I find a vet that handles reptiles? Should I soak her more and if so how long should she soak. She hates it when I put her in the water. Thank you for your time

Definitly have her seen by her veterinarian.  She is a mature adult and should have a good checkup anyway.  Something is slowing her metabolism and a vet would be able to find a definitive reason.  Check her moist hide and make sure it's good and damp, and increase the mistings in her tank in the meantime.  Make sure she is eating and note if her appetite ha decreased.