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I dont know what to feed my frog!

22 14:32:04

I have a small pond by my place and I found and caught some just hatched tadpoles and are keeping them in a PLANET FROG aquarium. It is a frog habitat with a little pool and little islands. The problem is that I have been researching on what to feed them ahead of time so I'm not rushing to figure it all out when they turn into grown frogs. I already know what to feed the tadpoles with right now. All the sites I went to have different suggestions for grown frogs! worms and meal worms and crickets! Most of them are also saying that I should vary their diets. My tadpoles are going to be small frogs, I know that for sure, so  I wouldn't even consider feeding them small mice! What is your advice? There are so many different suggestions and I want whatever is the healthiest for my frogs!

Hello Melody,

What type of frog do you have?  The husbandry is fairly similiar for most species of frogs.  The feeders are mealies, waxworms, crickets, & superworms.  
Tadpoles can only eat specialized tadpole food or goldfish flakes until they become froglet or toadlet stage.  Once they get to that stage, you will need to begin introducing insects as soon as possible.  
I hope that helps!  
That sounds like alot of fun to raise the little tadpoles.  
