Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > yellow-throated plated lizard

yellow-throated plated lizard

22 14:46:28

We have a yellow-throated plated lizard.  He is ~4 years old, is ~15 inches long and we have not changed his living environment or food supply.  He has lost his appetite and his eyes have changed from glossy to either missing completely or opaque. This is hard to tell as maybe they are just covered with sand/dust, but in any case, they look very different than the healthy glossy sheen from the past.  He used to be cat quick in attacking his cricket food supply, but we have not seem him do it in weeks and can't really tell if the crickets are eventually eaten or just die and get buried.  Are you aware if this animal requires eyes to find its food and/or water? If it does not need eyes, how does it find the crickets?  Is assisted feeding appropriate and/or is there a way to safely force food into them?

 A reptile needs eyes to find food and it looks like this fellow needs to see his reptile vet and has had to for a while.  Eyes don't go missing unless something bad happened and either he's sick or you left crickets in his habitat where they could attack him at night.  Please have him seen by a vet as soon as possible.