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female veiled chameleon

22 14:24:34

hi, My little veiled has recently laid some unfertilized eggs i had no idea what to do with her/them mainly thanks to the fact i didnt even know this happened to females that didnt come into contact with males. i have just done a fair amount of research and found out what i should do next time it happens but cant seem to find anything on what to do with these unfertilized eggs. im worried about stressing her out if i take them or something what should i do? ps is there anything i should do for her during this time i should know about i found nothing on that either. thanks

Hi Jonny, It sounds like your female came through the experience without any complications. That's great, veileds can have problems with egg-binding due to the large clutches that they tend to have in captivity.
Veileds do not protect their nest site, it actually takes several months for their eggs to hatch. She may not like you reaching into her cage but she has no instinctive attachment to those eggs so you will not stress her out by removing them.
Veileds can store sperm from an earlier mating and lay several clutches of fertile eggs. If you raised this female yourself from a baby and are absolutely sure that she has never been bred then simply discard the eggs. If there is any chance that she has been with a male then freeze the eggs prior to discarding them.
Egg laying uses up a lot of the females reserves, especially calcium and other minerals. It is advisable to increase her calcium supplementation for the next few weeks to help her recover.