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bearded dragons & citrus for food

22 14:36:31

Hello,  I have now read repeatedly that beardies should not eat citrus but I can not find anything to explain WHY.  Can you tell me?  Also, another website care sheet said no citrus in the diet but then specifically mentions oranges, along with other fruits & veggies to gutload feeder crickets for the beardie.  I'm so confused.  Thanks!  :)

Dear Michelle,
thank yu for your question.
Citrus contains a lot of fruit acid and this may cause diarrhea with bearded dragons. Citrus, as almost all fruits, have a very bad calcium:phosphorus ratio, many of them as bad as 1:2. Vegetables/fruits fed to bearded dragons or other reptiles should have a ratio of at least 1:1, better 2:1 because phosphorus binds calcium and prevents it from being absorped, which can cause or promote calcium deficencies.

Crickets metabolise fruit acids better than herps. They should be dusted with a calcium supplement anyway, because they, too, have a bad c:ph ratio. has some great articles on this, explaining about calcium and phosphorus and there are lists of fruits and vegetables/leafy greens and their c:ph ratios.
I hope I was of some help to you