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Fire skink scratches

22 13:52:23


Fire Skink
I have a fire skink and today I noticed that he has scabs and an open wound over his head and two over his back. I have no idea where they came from and would like any help you could provide me. Im worried they might be mites or something or is it scratches from moving around under ground and bumping into things?

Hi Patryk

Thanks for the photo, very helpful. They look like physical abrasions to me as well. Their elongated shape, colour and the fact that they are on his head which would take the most impact while he is burrowing suggests that. Mite bites can become infected but they start out as invisible bites that usually turn into blisters. They would also likely be on the softer tissues such as the belly and under the arms.
You didn't happen to mention what substrate you have him on but coconut mulch mixed with a bit of sand is a suitable and soft substrate for them. If you happen to have rocks or other cage furnishing in there make sure that they are sitting solidly right on the tank bottom before adding the substrate. This prevents burrowing reptiles from burrowing under rocks etc and then having them settle down onto them, potentially causing injury.
I think the issue will probably resolve without further problem with his next shed.