Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > SICK GEKOS


22 13:32:44

We have 2 leopard Gekos,  kept in seperate tanks.    Around 4 years ago one of them had probelms with shedding skin - it got stuck around the eyes and he stopped eating . His eye swelled up also and looked awful  A couple of trips to the vet, antibiotics, cream and lots of TLC sorted this out and all was fine.   This problem re-occured last year with the eye adn also swellings filled with pus-like substance around his back end.   We have now got similar  problems with both Gekos -  they hve been back to the vet and current treatment has been to keep bathing the areas using Hibiscrub which the vet gave to us.   Poor things are lookin quite thin also. I cant see anything on any web sites which offer any explanations for this problem.   They used to have sand i the tanks but this has now been removed.
Hope you can help as we have no idea what the cause of this probem is.

many thanks

Not sure about the puss filled part is that near the eye or near the cloaca of the gecko?  The shedding issue is easily remedied by wetting sphagnum moss and placing it underneath the hide area.  Get back to me with a follow-up for the puss thing as I would like to help.  You can also go on my site for further information on Leopard Gecko Care and I will be releasing an e-book on them in July which I will give you a copy if you like just shoot me an email through the site and I will send it you as soon as its released.