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dumpy tree frog spasms

22 14:38:45

Hi Tracie: My 3 yr old dumpy tree frog is having severe spasms. His right leg does not move properly. Almost like he has had a stroke. I use Reverse Osmosis water because I have heard this can effect theri nervous system. This sometimes happens to his hands as well. they curl up and he has no control over this. Can you help me?

Hello Kim,

How long has this been going on?
What types of food are you feeding him?  Do you give him any calcium supplementation & provide some UVB exposure?  They do need some as well as a low basking temperature as well.
Did he injure himself possibly?
The symptoms sound somewhat like metabolic bone disease.  Too little calcium in the system can cause neurological problems, such as spasms & seizures.
