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New Adult Bearded Question about Eyes

22 14:23:43

Hi -

I just brought home an adult female bearded dragon.  I'm a first time dragon owner and just want to make sure shes healthy.  I'm always over cautious and worrysome especially when I don't have a ton of experience with a certain pet.  I was reading online about droopy eyes and checked my beaerdie and I thinks he has them.  I've posted a pic.  Please tell me if this is normal or something concerning.  She seems hydrated.  I gently pinched the skin on the side of her back and it went back into place quickly.  Her previous owner seemed to take great care of her.  Thank You for your time and any info you may have will be apperciated.


Hello Patricia,

Well, droopy eyes seems to be genetic from what I have seen in recent years.  If her skin is not too wrinkly then she most likely is not dehydrated.  How do her urates look, are they soft, white, moist or hard or discolored?
Some dragons do not have droopy eyes but others do.  As long as her eyes are not red, swollen or irritated which they are not, I do not think that it is too much to worry about.  

If you need help with other issues in your setup, let me know.  Congratulations on your new dragon.
