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Leopard Gecko Skin Problem

22 14:23:43

I have a Leopard Gecko. She is 3 years old. I noticed a few days ago she has two "bubbles" behind her two front legs. Kind of where her arm pits would be. One on each side. They don't have fluid in them, it just seems like air. I can push them in and they go flat. Is this a sign she's going to shed? I have never seen these in the past with her previous shedding.
Thank You.

 Sounds like the start of a shed.  Make sure her tank is misted, that her moist hide is plenty moist, and that there is a rough stone in the tank to help her remove her shed.  after she appears to be done, inspect her toes to make sure they are completely free of old skin.  Sheds can start anywhere, depending on growth, weight gain and age.  If a shed does not start and you become worried as we all have done (they do love to give us some angst don't they?) you can always get a definitive answer from her veterinarian on examination.