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leopard gekcos

22 14:30:52

Hi Tina, I have a problem with my leopard geckos. My male leopard gecko spends most of his time in the moist box and i am afraid that the humidity isn't good for the male leopard gecko. What should i do? He hasn't eaten in 2 days as well. The humid box is located on the cool side of the tank and they are kept in a 10 gallon tank. I provide hiding spots in the warm spot and they would always stay there before. But now, they stay in the cool end side and in the humid box. I thought it might be too hot so i turned the lamp off and still nothing happened. The female is pregnant so i understand if she spends most of her time in the humid box. I also tried turning the under tank heater off, but still they stay in the humid box. Should i remove the humid box? They don't seem to be shedding. I'm just worried the male will starve. They are still alert and look pretty healthy. Any advice? Thanks so much Tina.

Chris,                                                                 Your geckos are nocturnal. Try feeding him at night with the light off. They love to stay hidden in moist dark areas during the day. Make sure your light is red and not white. It is only used for heat not UV. White lights are not comfortable for them and does not help in inducing shedding. Make sure they are staying about 95 to 100 degrees during the day and 70 at night.Also make sure you have like a milk container cap full of calcium dust for the to eat since they do not really come out that often during the day they do not get the UV light and do not produce enough calcium. They will find it and eat it as they need. As far as your under the tank is not really necessary if you are keeping the warm side warm enough. Are you sure you have a male and female? Do you have a sandbox for her to lay her eggs in. Here is a site with some info for you... Luck.Tina