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Leopard gecko tail problem

22 14:17:46


Qumran's Sad Tail
My leopard gecko is about 5-6 years old.  One day I noticed that she had a strange gash on her tail and that the tail appeared to be broken.  It was jammed up in a crooked position and was not flexible like the rest of the tail.  I saw on TV that a broken tail is not something to worry about.  I went away for a few days and when I returned, the broken portion of the tail (tip) was dead, i.e., reduced to shriveled skin around bone.  There is a purple band between the healthy tail and dead tail.  This gecko lives in a large (50 gal.) aquarium with two other geckos.  I'd appreciate your advice.  Thanks!

Hello Josiah,

First of all I suggest you seperate him from the other geckos to prevent further injury, I am guessing that the others might have bullied him causing the initial injury to the tail.

When a wound gets infected (especially around a lizard's tail) it will start to eat away at the meat and flesh. Leaving nothing but as seen in the picture. The infection will keep "eating" away at the tissue until it has reached the spinal cord becoming fatal. You must seek immediate veterinary care to have them amputate the dead portion and remove the infection before it is too late. Be sure they know what they are doing, if they don't remove all the infected tissue then it will keep spreading.

Until then keep him in a very clean separate enclosure with papertowel substrate.

Good luck