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Droon my sons gecko - update

22 14:40:57

Hi Tracie,  Our tank set up is as following.  We have an under tank heater but no basking light.  She has a coconut shell for a hid with spaghnum moss which we keep moist.  She has a water dish and another dish for mealworms.  The temp has been staying around 78 during the day.  Her stools come out moist then harden into black and white pelts. She has chosen one corner of the tank to do all of her stools. She is moving around the tank and is responding to us being present. She climbs on top of her shell or hide.  I did not attempt to feed her yesterday at all.  I thought that perhaps she was exhausted from the crickets being in her tank bugging her.  I thought we would try today or maybe wait one more day.  What do you think?  Is the temp for her tank ok?  She does come out and lay on the heat mat section that is not under her shell.  She we get her a basking light?  I don't want to loose this little girl.  We are really attached to her.  Thanks for your help.

Hello Regenia,

Great, thanks.  
That is a good sign that she actually lays on top of the heatmat section though.  The shell with moss is great, too, no problem.  Just make sure it stays moist to help with sheds when she is ready.
I think that the temps should be a little higher, more like 85-90 for a "hot" spot.  What has worked really well is to place the heatmat under a portion of the hide & then, get a ceramic heat emitter with a dimmer on it, to adjust the temps to where they need to be.  
The overall temp of 78 isn't quite warm enough.  She might be having a hard time digesting, unless she is laying on the heat mat all of the time.  The ambient temps of 78-85 are fine, but a small hot spot is helpful in getting the temps up during the day a little.  Don't exceed 90 though.  
She is most likely tired from having the crickets in the constantly.  Has she been interested in food at all today?  I would try to make sure she gets some fluids into her either by her drinking or by getting a dropper to see if she wants to drink a few drops off of the end of a dropper.
You could offer her some mealies & see if she shows any interest in food.  How long has it been since she has eaten now?  
The stools sound pretty normal & they are very good about going in the same area in their tanks, too.
Let me know how she is doing!
