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bearded dragons and fire bellied toads

22 14:45:25

hi there we already have two bearded dragons around 4-5 months old, we were wondering whether we could introduce another beadie to the vivarium? if so what age would be best for the new beadie? also we have recently new fire bellied toads was just wondering whether any other frogs toad could be kept safely with them? many thanks rachael

Dear Rachael,
thank you for your question.
I wouldn't introduce another dragon right now since you cannot be sure of the sex of the pair you already have. Wait until you know for sure what you have (reliable sexing is possible when they are about a year old) and then you can add another. Two males will have to be separated anyway, two females can live with another female or a male and a pair can live with another female. The new dragon should be the same size as the other dragons because they prey on other lizards and can eat prey that is only a bit smaller than themselves. One male and two females are the best combination if you want to keep a group because the male won't stress a single female all the time, wanting to mate.

Since fire-bellied toads are poisonous, they shouldn't be co-housed with other species. Their poison sometimes even kills other fire-bellied toads when newly introduced into the tank.
I hope I was of some help to you