Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > leo gecko eyes shut

leo gecko eyes shut

22 13:56:35

QUESTION: Hi, We just purchased a leopard gecko about 6 to 8 ins. in length it just shed still a small bit on toes we purchased it after the shedding but it will not keep its eyes open the person to bath it which we have been doing and using a q-tip at the eyes which are closed after the bath it will open the eyes for a little bit them seem black in color no puss or swelling then the gecko will rub its eyes on objects in the tank which is all set up like it should ,heat tape hide area, cool area with moist hide area the tank is 20 gal long fresh water and food but after awhile it just shuts its eyes again and will not open them its been 3 days now and does not seem to be eating it drinks the water during the bath what should I do and what might be wrong???Please help....

ANSWER: You should return it if it is not eating.  That means it is not healthy-which is also evidenced by the eye problem.  The skin on the toes is a separate issue, but make sure it comes off.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for the fast answer. About the toes, besides bathing what are other ways we can get the old skin off? There is also a small bit at the end of the tail they say do not pull the skin off.So what are other ways to get the old skin off and what problems can we have it stays? We also contacted the person we purchased her from they said it is sometimes common for her not to reopen her eyes for almost a week they just  said to continue to bath her and dappen the eyes with a q-tip is this true and should I continue this? I believe its tail looks pretty good and it is just not eating right now I believe due to its eyes staying shut, if return is not an option for us what is best to help it through this?

I usually work the skin off by hand or with twizzers.  I don't like the eyes closed not eating, that to me means very sick lizard.  I'd ask for a guarantee that this lizard is going to eat and survive in writing or an immediate return.  This problem (not eating) started right away correct?  If so, I don't like it!