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Concerned about my bearded dragon

22 14:26:50

I have a year old male bearded dragon, I have had him a little over a week. I have him in a 55 gallon tank. I have been offering him mixed veggies(no lettuce), and dusted wax worms. He has a UVB bulb, and a basking bulb, I have a digital thermomiter and have checked all the temps. the tank has a good gradient and is where it should be. He has pooped 3 times since I got him. My concern is that he has been staying black under his chin on his beard alot, and seems to want to sleep more often then not. The guy I bought it from said that he thinks it is because of the humidity here in Tucson from monsoon season, I do not understand why that would be a issue. He eats all the worms I give him, and a little of the veggies. Do you think he is still adjusting? He looks really healthy other than staying black under his chin so much. I am going to get a fecal test next time he goes poop.

 You should have him checked at the vet.  In fact, if he hasn't pooped, the vet can "persuade" him to spend a penny for a nice fresh sample.  I would stop the waxies, too much fat and hard to digest.  At his age he should be getting crickets, superworms, silkworms, farm raised hornworms, roach nymphs and butterworms, all these are far more nutritious when properly gutloaded.
  What kind of UVB?  If it is the coil or compact type, remove it immediately, it will damage the animal's eyes.