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How often should a gecko egg be moisted?

22 14:28:19

I have this gecko egg i found, how ofen should i moist it?

HI Zoe-if this is the same egg and it has not dented or molded then follow these instructions

Take a margarine container and get some perlite
Moisten the perlite with water and squeeze it out in your hand until it forms a clump and does not drip water

Place the perlite in the container about half way full
Place the egg in a small depression in the perlite that you can make with your thumb

Cover the container and place it in an area in your home where the temperature is between 80 and 85 degrees

You should not have to add any more water to the perlite

Open the container once per week to shake off any condensation off of the lid and to check on the egg

Good Luck

Sandy aka LadyGecko