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keep cameleons away

22 14:27:49

Chameleons' keep coming in under the door and when i open the door of my house.  Is there something (chemical) or anything i can spread around the doorways so they won't come into this area ?

Hi Vern,

I am a little confused as to how Chameleons are getting under your door. Are you sure they are chameleons are are they another lizard?

As far as chemicals, no. You don't want to kill these animals that are causing you no harm.

Lizards will eat many pests in your home as well. But I do understand why some people may find them unpleasant to have wandering about.

Is there an animal control center near you?

Have you tried putting a weather strip under the door?

They are attracted to food sources, water, and heat.

Offer water outside your home, try to eliminate any known insects in your home that they might find tasty.

Gosh, I don't think I know of anything else to keep them away, if you can catch them and relocate them to an area SAFELY out side of your home that may help.

Call an animal control center and see what they recommend.

Sorry, I cant be of much help

Good luck