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veggies for leos

22 14:22:07

Hi, i heard leos willeat arugala. Will they eat other veggies or fruit? Does it matter the gender or if they are a juvenile or adult?

Hi Sam,
You can offer your leo the arugula, but chances are he won't eat it.  I've never had one eat any greens. One of mine does like to nibble on watermelon and the other one won't touch anything other than insects...
With the watermelon, and I am sure some other fruits, they may just lick at them to get the water from them.  Feel free to offer some fruits..but stay away from things like oranges, etc due to the high acid content.
The only difference in the diets of an adult and a juvy are the size of the insects. It doesn't seem that one sex likes the fruits more than the other sex....nor their age..they either like a taste of fruit, or they don't.  With crested geckos, babyfood fruits are a main part of their diet...which, with leos, insects are the staple of their diet.
With females, if you are going to breed, its important to make sure they have access to a good calcium at all times and dust the insects more often with the calcium and vitamins. They need the extra calcium when forming the eggs. If they don't have enough calcium during that time, the eggs will draw calcium from the leos bones, risking them developing metabolic bone disease.