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nasal lquid excreation

22 14:42:44

help me. my bearded dragon irwin appears to be excreting a liquid that is dark black but clear at the edges and smells like his urine from his nose. this appears to only happen when he is picked up. i thought it may be something serious like a cold or it could be because he recently has eaten alot of super worms . i cant tell if it happens when i pick him up because he is stressed or simplly because of the preasure on his somach. please help... by the way he is in his brumating cycle.

Hi Kelsey,
It sounds like your beardie has a very serious infection in his stomach and or respiratory tract. This can be caused by having a stomach full of insects while brumating or can be caused from internal parasites. The insects do not digest as fast as the the greens do which is what causes the problem. The only safe and correct advice I can give you is to get your beardie to a vet that is able to treat reptiles ASAP.  To find a vet that is able to treat reptiles:
Also, a good link for reading more on brumation can be found at )
Some will go down for a week...some for a few months.  Most people give them a few drops of water from an eye dropper or syringe(no needle) about once a week. Be sure to not give any insects at all during this time...only greens if he wants to eat a bit.
Do get him to a vet so the proper medications can be given.