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leopard and house geckos

22 14:35:45

Can leopard geckos and house geckos live in the same tank? We have two house geckos (one male and one female) and one male leopard gecko.

Hello Crista,
No the two species can not live in the same tank. They have very specific requirements and not to mention vey different requirements. House geckos need height as they are arboreal geckos and spend most of their time in trees and high places. Leopard Geckos need ground space because they are ground dwellers. That and you should never house two males no matter the species in one enclosure. They can and will fight to the death. They will bully each other into not eating and that would be bad. House geckos also require a humid and tropical environment as leopard geckos are from dessert areas and can not live in a humid environment. I never recommend housing two species together no matter what they are. There are also many chances of them spreading disease. One will carry a disease that its body is immune to but introduced to another species which does not have the same immunity can be deadly.

House them separately.