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AFT gecko acting completely opposite of what shes supposed to do.

22 14:10:28

Hi Diane, thank you in advance for reading my question and answering it.
Here's the deal. I have a three year old female African Fat tail named Marv. As you know, these geckos prefer humid climates and they prefer to hide during the day and hunt at night. Well, Marv did all that until I took her to the vet two days ago for an eye infection. The doc prescribed eye drops and an oral antibiotic that I am to give her every day for 14 days. Since she got home from the vet, she's been staying out of her hiding spot, and she's in fact been basking under the lamp I have on the top of her cage. She refuses to eat, and I haven't seen her drink water for days. I was so scared for her, I used the insulin syringe this morning to force her to drink water - I only gave her a small amount, probably a few drops, but you get the idea.

Anyway, what is going on with Marv? She's always been so healthy, and sometimes even curious, and now she never moves from under the lamp until I have to give her the medications.

On a completely unrelated note, I received this gecko free from a friend, and according to this friend, when I got Marv, she was almost 2.5 years old, which, as I mentioned, now makes her 3. Is there anyway to tell a gecko's age? I now and thinking this gecko is older, given her recent behavior.

Again, thank you so much for reading my question, and for taking the time to do everything you do for the people who frequent this website.

Jenn (and Marv)

Hi Jenn,
Answering  your questions kind of out of order here...
Its really not possible to tell their age unless you know the hatch date. Since they have a 15-20 yr and more life span, you have (hopefully) many more years with Marv. Small lizards are basically adults when they are sexually mature...which with the geckos is generally before a yr of age.
The heat may make her feel better..let her make her choice as to where she wants to lay.
Its important to keep her well offer the water often.  when they are on antibiotics, the water is much needed.
Geckos hate change...they can pout for weeks...taking her to the vet was a change for her. As to the not eating...very common with antibiotics.  Antibiotics destroy the natural gut bacteria they need to digest their foods...if the gut bacteria isn't working, they won't be hungry. There are products we can use to help boost the gut bacteria.  Its the same as when a Dr recommends we eat yogurt when taking antibiotics. Antibiotics can also make their stomachs not feel so great, same as they do with us..which can also explain her behavior changes. captivity most use products such as:
bene bac...labeled for birds, approved for reptiles.
nutri bac
or plain, human grade acidolophus......   one capsule will dose for at least 3 days in a row.
BeneBac ..most larger pet stores should carry it...especially if they have birds...
Acidophiliz+  I think  PetsMart carries it..if not....on line at
Some people use a tiny amount(1/2 cc or less) of live culture plain yogurt for 2-3 days, but this is only something that is recommended for healthy reptiles..
Hope this helps you out and I hope Marv gets back to "normal" soon!! They sure are cute geckos!