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crested gecko help needed quickly!!!!!

22 14:32:36

We have a 2 and 1/2 year old crested he is our family pet. My husband got up this morning and came down stair to tell me that he thought he was dying. I need help please!!!! He appeared to be fine a few days ago when I saw him but my husband now says it looks like his eyes are peeling and we are really concerned. Can you tell me what is going on and how to fix it? I read that improper shedding can cause eye damage but my husband usually helps him and the skin only gets stuck on his feet most of the time. We are in Colorado and well it is really dry here lately so we are trying to keep up on the humidity thing the best we can. Pleas help us

Hi Wendy, it doesn't sound like anything you should be worried about but giving him a good bath will help him shed. I don't think there is anything wrong its just his shed. And because it is so dry there keeping humidity up will definately help.

You can try a misting bottle with warm water and give him a spritz to try and loosen up the shed, but if it last longer then a couple days then you might have problems, best of luck
