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Leopard gecko breeding problem

22 14:47:20

Hello, i recently aquired a female high yellow to breed with my regular male. ive had them in the cage together for almost a week and they have not bred yet. the male has not exibited any breeding behavior except when i first put the female in. he tapped his tail rapidly for a few seconds and bit the females tail, but since then he has done nothing out of the usual. he almost seems to be ignoring the female!

Well the first behavior is aggressive, showing her that he is the boss of that home and she is lower then him. Which is perfectly normal and expected. Now I'm not sure if you have or not but you need to do ALL of the research you can about breeding, egg care, hatchling care and everything else to make sure you can handle it. Its very complex and sometimes quite difficult. Mating is very stressful on the female. I advise not breeding them but if you must then just give it time. They just don't breed right off the bat. They just like us might not feel that the other is good enough to mate with. Maybe he doesn't like her, or feel she is fit to mate with. Or the other way around. Usually it takes a few tries to get the right couple together. Also try to keep it warm at day and night to try and simulate "breeding season" to get him and her in the "mood" If after a few months they still don't show any signs you might have to remove the female and try a new female. Put the current female in a new cage, sell, or give her away and try to introduce the other female. It takes time so give them more then a week to get to know each other. Good luck and if you need any more clarification go ahead and ask. Let me know how everything goes.