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My Poor Baby!

22 14:29:57

My quite elderly (17 years) G. major is missing a toe on one of her back feet.  How should I treat it?  Should I just leave it alone and keep an eye on it or should I be cleaning it?  She appears to be in good spirits and is healthy and active otherwise.  It has not scabbed over and almost looks like it's growing back.  I don't know how old the injury is, I just noticed it today when I had her out of the tank.  I would really appreciate any advice on this matter, I'm very worried for my girl.  Thanks.

 The best thing to do is have her seen by a good reptile vet.  Geriatric reptiles need regular visits and in your girl's case, she should have a good physical to check for proper blood perfusion, that all organs are still functioning well, a real soup to nuts check-up.

 Losing a toe is no big deal as far as living day to day, but you want to know why, a trauma, ok, then the area, kept clean and the vet prescribing an antibiotic to prevent infection.  But if she is having circulatory issues, then that only a vet can help you with.

 I have an old female beardie.  While young, a tearly checkup is fine, but now my Aingeal will be seeing her vet on a quarterly basis or sooner if I even notice her off her feed.